by Sarah Flashing | Sep 17, 2019 | Branding Basics, Communications, Entrepreneur, Marketing, Unique Selling Proposition, USP
When starting and running any business or organization, differentiating yourself from those similar to yours is essential for future growth, and frankly, even for short-term survival. For instance, if you are going to be one of 5 bakeries in a town of 25,000, you need...
by Sarah Flashing | Aug 26, 2019 | Communications, Digital Marketing, Entrepreneur, Marketing, Marketing 101
These are non-negotiables. If you struggle in any of these areas, your ability to build a business will be seriously challenged. Of course, some entrepreneurs and long-time business owners are better at some of these points and build a team to close in on the other...
by Sarah Flashing | Aug 16, 2019 | Communications, Consulting, Email Marketing, Non-Profit Strategy
There’s nothing more important to the success of a nonprofit organization than the quality of its communications. From your brochures, website, and public speaking events, your message has one shot at being received. Once you lose someone’s attention,...
by Sarah Flashing | Jun 19, 2019 | Business Ethics, Business Strategy, Communications, Reputation Management
Marketing is a fun, creative activity that can also test your patience, especially the area of reputation management. Everything is marketing, not just your logo, your business card and advertising campaigns. Everything your audience sees you doing both personally and...
by Sarah Flashing | Feb 5, 2019 | Blogging, Business Strategy, Coaching, Content is King
You don’t have a blog on your website? Blogging isn’t for you? There are so many reasons why you should blog and zero reason to wait. It doesn’t matter what industry you represent, blogging is one way to keep the traffic coming to your website. And...
by Sarah Flashing | Jan 2, 2019 | Content is King, Digital Marketing, Hashtags, Marketing
By now anyone with an Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook account or on any other social media channel has seen someone use a hashtag. Often hashtags are used to participate in a trending topic such as a political debate on Twitter (#electionresults2018) or on Instagram...